Teen Attacks Family Over Cell Phone

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It is not surprising that a teenager might feel left out if he or she doesn’t have a cell phone in a pocket or a backpack.Therefore, getting between a teen and his cell phone may prove very dangerous even for his parents. But can you imagine that it might lead to such an extreme casualty?

A teen recently assaulted his family members, dangerously kicking his mother in the throat, head-butting his brother and punching and biting his father ~ reason: his father revoked his phone privileges and took away his cell phone.

This incident happened in East Falmouth. Brandon Turner, 18, hit his younger brother on a small dispute. His father took away his cell phone as a punishment for the fraternal spat, reports Cape Code Times.

The next day, aggrieved by this incident, Brandon got into an aggressive mood and exploded, starting on his brother, who alerted his father. But the teen became more aggressive, punched his father in the head and bit him on the arm. Police says Brandon threw a glass baking dish at his mother, head-butted his brother, and struck his father's truck with a metal poop scooper.

His father eventually had to use handcuffs to subdue his son. The teen was farraigned in Falmouth District Court and inally held on $1,000 bail.

Lesson to be learnt: Don't ever come in between a teenager and his cell phone......


Anonymous said...

That is ridiculous! If one of my kids did that just because we took their phone away, they'd have to worried about me more than the law! LOL

Unknown said...

I have to agree with mummifiedx5's comment...I have heard some ridiculous things but this gets a gold

WeirdWorldWebNews said...

Yes, mummified. You are 100% correct. There should be "some" discipline somewhere, isn't it?

WeirdWorldWebNews said...

Hi Whizzed,
Isn't t the fault of the grown-ups partly? Unless they teach these things to their teens and discipline them, these things are bound to happen....

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