The 'Dirty' British Men

The 'Dirty' British Men, who take shower only once a week
Blame it on the people who survey such things and publish the results before the entire world to see. If the Brits don't like to take bath more than once a week, why should the survey publicize it? Is it necessary to label them as 'dirty' and embarrass them?

The survey was done on the shower frequency in 5 different countries. The results reveal that British men are falling behind Mexico, Australia, the US and France.

The Daily Express reports that more than one British man in ten shower or bath as infrequently as twice a week.

But don't worry - the Brits are not 'dirty' always. They take a shower at least:-
  • before going on a date
  • before going to a job interview
  • after going to gym
But don't worry, men. The Brit women do not bother whether their men take a shower or not ~ at least one-third believe it doesn't make any difference.

Now, I believe YOU take a shower atleast more than once a week!

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Unknown said...

They shower in between times by getting rained on.

Dr Mind said...

Yep, they certainly do stink. People from Swansea, South Wales have a routine they call a "Swansea Wash" wich is a 'substitute' for a bath or shower where they wash their balls and face in the sink.

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