Woman Thrown Out of Own House - Mistakenly Auctioned By Bank

Woman Thrown Out of Own House - Mistakenly Auctioned By Bank
How do you feel when on a fine morning, unexpectedly, you are thrown out of your own house by some people who say that your house has been bought by them? That too when your house was not for sale - never? And your belongings thrown out carelessly on the street, damaging most of them?

This miserable, bizarre incident happened recently with Anna Ramirez, a South Florida woman. Her house was sold off by the bank, Washington Mutual, by mistake!

It is reported that long before the movers showed up, the bank acknowledged the mix-up and even went to court with Ramirez to get the sale reversed. But then the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Court's Office never filed the judge's order.

After she was thrown out of her house, Ramirez went back to the judge. "I did reverse the sale but the information the owners received was that the sale wasn't totally reversed," Judge Israel Reyes said. "So it's not totally their fault."

The clerk of courts said that this was a human error and he has planned to call Ramirez to apologize. Now Ramirez is trying to find out an experienced attorney to fight the case, as most of her valuable furniture has got damaged in the eviction process.

Ramirez is thoroughly upset by the incident and hopes nobody else has to go through such a dysphoric event, ever. Let us hope that her case is settled soon.


himself said...

Bloody useless banks. If people showed at my place with a moving truck saying "this is my house,get out" I'd have laughed in their faces and invited them to get bent,get lost,and f off!

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